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Dynasty Just Felt Like Annoying Me Today – And It Worked!


So this is not a review of the mid-season finale of Dynasty. It’s more of a mini rant. Dynasty is exactly my type of guilty-pleasure show. In the sense that it’s not my usual type of show – those are usually sci-fi or fantasy shows; but at the same time, I never miss any show that has to do with the lives of the filthy rich, their extravagant lifestyles and dirty secrets. I can’t explain it, I love it; from Gossip Girl to Dirty Sexy Money and even Angola’s Windeck. I don’t usually watch reality tv shows but I caught the first two seasons of Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and I loved it.

So, of course, I was here for this one.

There are millions of things I would definitely love to talk about starting with my love for Fallon Carrington (and her love for black men), my dislike for Sammy Jo and even my total fondness of Anders. But today, I’m talking about one thing…. that Monica & Culhane kiss (which definitely led to ‘more’) in the 9th episode.

IMO, it was completely unnecessary. I get it, it’s a soap opera – there are supposed to be unexpected twists and turns but common!!!! Was this really necessary?

Both have been very underutilized characters but to pair them this way?? Abeg, so annoying. If Monica wanted to ‘make her own choices’, there are fifty thousand other ways she could have done that, but okay.

I get it, story-wise, it opens up the plot to a lot of ‘scandalous’ possibilities, but I feel it’s too soon for these characters to hook up, especially because they really have no motivation to do so. This is something that should have lowkey been built up to, considering Monica is Fallon’s closest friend.

Also, while they’re at it, can they take out five minutes in a few episodes to develop Monica’s character more – she has a lot of potential. Maybe, with time.

Do we even need to talk about why Culhane is only attracted to women that are in Fallon’s proximity or are we just gonna ignore that ??????

That being said, I can’t wait for the next episode which returns on the 17th of January, 2018.

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